Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas with the folks

It's Christmas time! This is definitely my favorite time of the holidays....it's a time where society is happier as a whole, festive music is playing all day long, and people exchange gifts with their friends and loved ones. Again, being the adventurous young soul that I am, I went back to Texas to spend time with my mother and father....I really need to do something else besides always going to Texas for the holidays; at this point it seems predictable. Maybe I'll go to Jamaica and surf with the locals, or travel to the Maldives and soak in its natural beauty.

One thing I really enjoy every time I'm home is eating at Seasons 52. So, as one can predict, I went to Seasons 52 yesterday. I know, I know....I recently blogged about this place, but I promise, it'll be about new dishes. Give me some credit, please.

1) My mom actually saw the table next to us ordering this. It's 3 chicken skewers presented as a tower. Beneath it is a apple salad with a sour apple vinaigrette. The chicken skewers were delicious; perfectly moist and cooked. Not too dry, yet not too soggy. And yes, before you ask, I have had soggy chicken, and it's disgusting. Kinda like eating a slug. Unfortunately, I'm not too much of a fan of salads, let alone fancy salads with a sour apple vinaigrette. It wasn't bad (I'm sure salad lovers would adore its taste), but for me, it was ok. Luckily, I had my parents to help me finish it off.

2) Lemmongrass mussels. We ordered this last time...still as delicious as last time. It's nice to come back to familiar food.
 * from top to bottom: mussels, chicken skewers

Main course: 
1) now, what makes Seasons 52 unique is that in addition to their year round menu, they have a seasonal menu where, based on the month and time of the year, they will have dishes that are "in season:"...aka special dishes. Both my dad and I ordered from the seasonal menu; in particular, we ordered BRANZINO WITH LEMON, THYME, and VEGGIES/POTATOES, I really enjoy Branzino, and I rarely get a chance to eat it. What's great about this dish was that there was some table side service in that the dish is served ala this picture right here: 

Now the waiter will cut up the fish, and remove all the lemons and limes that are wedged in between the fish...ala this photo:
They say a picture's worth a thousand words: the picture of the fish above should describe just how delicious this fish was.

* Getting the branzino sliced open!

* My dad and I 
* My mom and I

* the family, we look so happy! Probably because of the delicious food we're about to have!

1) This was also a seasonal dish that I ordered...it was an Eggnog Mousse. I'm not gonna lie, it was very sweet..a little sweeter than I would have liked...but if you notice the container it's served in, it's tiny. So overall, this was actually the right amount of dessert to eat. If I had a normal portion that is usually served in steakhouses or other restaurants, I would have died. But overall, this dish was delicious. I love eggnogg; if there was only one thing I'd critique, it'd be the sweetness of the mousses.
2) I also ordered a cappuccino! It had the perfect ratio of foam to coffee. The foam was very light and fluffy that for a second, my mouth felt like it was floating on a cloud! This place definitely knows how to brew their coffee!

Again, if you can't tell by my review, Seasons 52 has crept up to my top restaurant in Texas. Rarely do you find a restaurant that serves an impeccable three course meal with nothing to really critique about. Yeah, the dessert was really sweet, but that was me nitpicking with a fine tooth comb. I highly recommend this place to anybody who's visiting the Dallas Area.