Friday, May 31, 2013

Mother's Day

So, here are some of the pictures I took for Mother's Day...about almost a month afterwards! Oops.

Unfortunately, I was not able to celebrate with my actually mother for Mother's Day, seeing as I'm in New York, and she's in the greatest state in America, Texas. Therefore, I spent the day with my "other" mom, Mama Lau. What did we do? We hung out in Long Island, hanging out in discount stores.....but not really. Actually, we just had a nice day hanging out at the Lau household. Angela and her baby bro, Brian, made omelettes and tater tots for brunch. They were delicious. Good job Angela!

For dinner, we went to an Italian restaurant, La Piazza. I was shocked....because it was the first time I went out to dinner with the Lau family, and we didn't travel to a Chinese restaurant. Yet, no matter where they take me out to dinner, the food will always be delicious. La Piazza certainly didn't disappoint!

1)  Appetizer: spicy calamari.

Brian and I shared this dish. Apparently, Angela's family is not too fond of calamari, save for him. I'm glad they weren't calamari fans. This dish was amazing! Super spicy and garlicy. :)

2) My dish: seafood pasta. This choice was inspired by my dad. Everytime we go to an Italian restaurant, he orders this pasta. The seafood consists clams, mussels, and shrimp! It was in a spicy marinara sauce. Yummy!

* how can you tell if a dish is going to be good? It must have some green garnish on it. 

3) The perfect bite! 
* it has TWO garlic cloves. not just one...but TWO! the happiness and radiance that was eminating from my body could be felt by the people living in China. I was that happy! 

So there you have it, the Italian Mother's Day celebration. Unexpected, but still delicious!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


It's been a while since I've posted. Sorry guys, I've been busy...I wish I had a better excuse for ya'll, but I don't. Sigh, I wish time would stop and allow me to accomplish everything I wanted to do. So many things have occurred since my last post:
1) the boston massacre
2) iron man 3 came out
3) iron chef america tournament of champions is being broadcast
4) mother's day already passed

As you can see, the list goes on and on. I can't believe it's almost June already! Good new though: I've taken many pictures since my hiatus and will be sharing them with ya'll within the next few days....

During my travels since the last time I blogged, I've discovered many new great restaurants. Let me describe how I spent my Saturday about two weeks ago.
Angela and I had a hankering for cajun cuisine. That's right, spicy, down south, good ole heartburn-inducing food. We made our way to the mecca (at least of NY) of Cajun Cuisine: Delta Grill.

1) This is the decor of the Delta Grill. It seriously looks like I'm back in Louisiana!!!
 2) I ordered spicy pork and andouille Gumbo. Andouille, for all you uncultured folks, is a fancy term for sausage...I think. Well, suffice to say, it definitely tasted like sausage!

 * I'm also glad this dish came with rice; no meal is complete without rice.

3) Angela ordered Spicy pork and andouille Jambalaya! Jambalaya is a dish that originated in the Carribbean Islands. Jambalaya is traditionally made in three parts, with meats and vegetables, and is completed by adding stock and rice. Yep, I know, I'm very cultured when it comes to food. That, and I'm very good at looking terms up on the internet. 

* what a delicious cauldron of food!

So later on that same day, I decided to revisit one of my old stomping grounds: Klong Thai Restaurant in St. Mark's. If you recall, that was one of my first Thai posts I'd ever created. Well, I was craving Thai food and needed a change of pace from good ole' Sura. Thanks god for Klong. And as per usual, Angela accompanied me on my adventure :) She's a follower, not a leader.

1) Angela and I ordered drinks!
 * Angela ordered a mint mojito (it's green). I ordered the "cauldron." I actually don't remember what it was actually called; all i remember is that it wasn't as delicious as the mojito :(

2) I ordered the "spiciest dish" on the menu. Was it spicy? Yes. It was very spicy. I drank 3 cups of water...and my butt was burning for the rest of the evening -__-. Nevertheless, the dish was very delicious. And colorful! Look at that leaf sticking out of the dish
 * It was comprised of chicken (of course), basil, garlic, peppers, and onions. Yummy!

4) Angela and I actually ordered dessert from this place. Wow, am I glad we did. Their desserts were super scrumptious; not too light, yet not too filling. I'd like to say that they were homemade, but even if they weren't, Klong definitely knows how to purchase their desserts!

 * my dessert: chocolate mousse cake. I like how the cake is sitting on top of the chocolate swirleys! It's my theory that anything that is place on top of the chocolate swirleys makes for an amazing dessert. Add on to that the fact that there's a mint leaf on top of the cake, and you've got a match made in heaven!

* Angela's dessert: NOT chocoloate mousse cake.....All joking aside, it was a chocolate lava cake with green tea ice cream. She really enjoyed the dessert, she finished it all by herself without any help from yours truly. (In addition, she scarfed down her dessert despite being "full")

So those are all the pictures I have for now...stay tuned for an update to this post; complete with MORE PICTURES!!!