Saturday, August 23, 2014

Lime and Garlic Chicken Breast

Hey guys! Happy Saturday to everybody! I seriously can't believe Labor Day is a little over a week away! Crazy! Well, I'm coming to you with a new cooking post! My new apartment is equipped with a top-of-the-line gas grill and oven, so I figured I'd take full advantage of them. Today, I decided to make "Lime and Garlic" Chicken Breasts!

I've never made this type of dish before, but I figured I would combine my love of garlic with an ingredient I've never used before. Why limes? Well, why not? It's the cousin of the lemon, which I love to use to flavor up any dish, so I figured incorporating some nice citrus would elevate this dish.


 Left to right: Olive oil, soy sauce, garlic bulbs, lime, and chicken breast

*Make sure you have a measuring cup similar to the one in the photo

1) Pour 1/4 cup of soy sauce into the measuring cup.  Add 1/4 cup of sesame oil. Add 1/4 cup of olive oil. Simple enough. And if it's too difficult, I've attached a picture below to help ya'll out.

2) Squeeze the juice of one lime...or in other words, juice out one lime! I've found that instead of just cutting a lime into halves, cut the lime into smaller pieces. That way, it makes it easier to squeeze out all the juice contained in these limes!
 * I have good technique when it comes to squeezing bulbous objects ;)

3) My favorite part: dice the garlic. I went a little overboard and cut 5 cloves of garlic. Oops. I couldn't help it hehehe.

4) Now, add the minced garlic to the marinade in the measuring cup. Again, not too complex.
If you haven't caught on by now, this isn't a very difficult dish to make. As long as you can read, chop, and follow basic instructions, YOU WILL NOT MESS UP THIS DISH.

5) Now, place the chicken breasts in a gallon sized ziplock bag. Pour the marinade into the bag and let the chicken sit in the fridge for an hour. Because I'm smart, I flipped them over after 30 minutes had elapsed. So I'm telling ya'll to follow my lead.

6) Remember this guy? It's been a while since I've last brought him out. It's my George Foreman Grill. Yes, we're grilling these chicken breasts. Unfortunately, I don't have a grill at my current apartment, so this'll hafta surprise. The mark of a genius chef is improvisation. If you can't improvise, you will just peak as a chef....there's no room for you to grow and improve.

7) Grill the chicken on each side for about 5 minutes. You're looking for some nice grill marks and a golden brown outside. The breasts in the picture were just placed on the grill, so that's why they still look super raw. Don't worry, I made sure they were thoroughly cooked!

8) Dinner is served!
* Spinach, brown rice, 2 chicken breasts!

Overall, this was a nice dish. The lime threw me off a bit, but it didn't overpower the chicken. Personally, I'm more of a fan of lemon, so I'll be using lemon in this dish going forward. That's not an endorsement from me to use lemon, it's just personal preference. I still advice that ya'll should cook with the lime at least once, so ya'll can make the choice for yourself. I'm soo full now, so I'm gonna go into a food coma now. Au revoir!

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