Monday, November 21, 2011

Coooooooorn....again + other stuff.

So my grandma and aunt are still in town, and I feel obligated to help my mom cook because she freaks out and cooks way tooo much everytime we entertain guests. Ergo, I am cooking my grilled corn-- making enough to feed an army-- grilled with chipotle sauce and garlic tobasco sauce and tons of olive oil. Recall: grill needs to be set to 350 degrees. This time, I boiled the corn somewhat, so grilling time is minimal. I am so creative!
Look at these sexy babies!!!
Finished product: 

So what else was for dinner tonight? 
Salmon! Specifically, my sake salmon! Same old same old, I know. 
 * the salmon in the oven...just a different angle. Thought it'd look pro. And it did.
So delicious. I love how crispy the skin turned out. 

I actually placed it in our handy dandy rotisserie machine....because that's what champs do. 
* this is the duck pre- rotisserie. 

 * duck while it's being cooked in the rotisserie machine. 

I cooked it for about 15 minutes. And boy, did it turn out delicious.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


So I had a lot of fun cooking my first whole fish the other day...and I thought to myself "Evan, you really love eating whole fish. Why don't you cook yourself some more fish instead of only eating fish outside of the house?" Boy am I a smart guy sometimes.

I decided to follow my own today, I cooked
Fish with Delicious Black Bean Sauce 
I know the name isn't exactly eye popping or creative....but trust me. It's super delicious!

1) Buy yourself a whole fish. I ended up getting Tilapia...just because it was the only fish that the supermarket had today.
 * :( the fish is small.

2) Now it's time to marinate the fish. Add a tablespoon of shao hsing cooking rice wine, a big heaping tablespoon of wine, a bajillion scallions, and ginger!
* this reminds me of Gulliver's Travels...where the fish= Gulliver, and the scallions=the little village people who climb aboard Gulliver and scan his body when he first washes ashore their village.

3) Now... the recipe states to marinate the fish in the fridge for 20 minutes. I didn't. I marinated for one hour....why? Because the longer....the better. The longer you let the fish marinate...the more scrumptious it'll taste. Simple cooking 101. 

4) You can't rest just yet, however! While the fish is marinating, you need to prepare some a boss! So in one bowl, mix 1 huge tablespoon of soy sauce, 2.5 huge tablespoons of aqua (water for you culturally ignorant people), and one huge tablespoon of shao hsing wine. Reserve this concoction for later use.
5) In another bowl, mix 2 giant tablespoons of black bean paste, 1 tablespoon of hot sauce, and 2 gigantic tablespoon of olive oil.
* This is the hot sauce I used. It's magically delicious. I use it on everything now. It's called Black Bean Garlic Hot Sauce....I don't remember the company that makes it, but just look at this picture and buy a jar that looks exactly like this!

6) After the hour has elapsed, heat the concoction with the bean paste, hot sauce, and olive oil in a skillet. Then pour it on top of the fish. Then, microwave the fish on high for two minutes.

7) Afterwards, pour the other sauce on the fish. Then microwave it for 6 minutes.

8) Duuuuunzooo!!!! This is the finished product.

* It looks sooo delicious. I'm drooling and getting hungry again!

So, not only did I cook fish, but I decided I needed some meat in my diet today. Therefore, I also cooked a meat dish:

Cong Bao Niu Rou (Translation....Scallion Lovers Beef)
1) Buy pieces of flank steak...and cut them into strips as shown in the picture below. Then, pour soy sauce on the steak, as well as garlic and ginger. Then stir fry them. Also, cut the scallions into strips so they resemble the scallions in the picture below
2). Heat up a wok on the stove on its high setting. Pour the meat and scallions into the wok. Then, add a dollop of that delicious hot sauce onto the beef.
3) Stir fry it until a delicious aroma infiltrates your nostril. Yummm! When it looks cooked...or like the picture below, you're done!

My dinner was a delicious duo of meat and seafood. Wow did I do good today. Time to pat myself on the back. Till next time!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Holy Shiiiit!!!

It's been awhile!!! Holy smokes, I'm sorry. I've been very busy...and everytime I've cooked, I have forgotten to take pictures. But fear not...for today I cooked AND took pictures....yay me!

So my grandmother and aunt are in town, and my dad invited them over for dinner. I knew I had to push my limits and try something fancy, and that's exactly what I did!!! So be prepared to be impressed, wowed...and without further ado, I present:

Spicy Tofu Tilapia (creative...i know)

1) Buy a whole fresh tilapia from your Chinese supermarket...preferably one that's all gutted and cleaned. If not, then you'll hafta gut and clean the fish yourself...and lemme tell you...that's a very disgusting endeavor.
2) Rub the  fish with salt and olive oil. Be sure to really knead them into the fish to ensure that the fish'll be tasty.
3. Fry fish in a nonstick skillet until it's pretty brown on each side. Then, remove it from the skillet and put  it on a dish.

4)  Fry few pieces of ginger, 4 cloves of smashed garlic, and a whole bunch of scallions in a skillet with 2 tablespoons of hot bean paste. Add 8 oz of chopped soft tofu as well.

5) Then, pour it on top of the fish.

5. When you smell that oh so wonderful fragrance and see that the fish is all cooked (about 10 minutes), put this wonderful creation on a fancy platter. To up the wow factor, serve it over rice!

Delicious! Anyways, I gotta go do dishes I gotta bounce. Peace!