Monday, March 26, 2012

My Long Island Trip

I don't remember the last time I've blogged...I really do apologize. But hey, I just got back from a weekend trip to Long Island and took lotsa pics, which means...I have a super sized blogged for ya'll! Yippee!!!

Ok, so I forgot to take pictures, but I had a delicious dinner of steak, broccoli and chicken, white rice, and other delicious chinese goodies.

Ok, so I did a bunch of stuff on Saturday:
1) I woke up and took my protein shake.
2) I saw my gf, Angela, which made me happy.
3) I had a delicious lunch of spaghetti and water.
And then...I went BOWLING with Angela and her brother...and I even took some pictures. 
 * So as you can see, in my first game, Angela's brother, Brian, handily beat the both of us with an awesome score of 79. Clearly, this was a sign of things to come.
 * In the second game, things were starting out horribly for both Angela and me as Brian bowled a strike followed by a spare in his first two frames. But luckily, Allah and Buddah heard my prayers, and I started to pick my game up by the fourth frame...and was able to pull out the win! Angela also bowled very well, in that she improved her score from 65-72!
* In the third and final game, I was able to bowl a win again and break 100!!! And look, Angela improved her score again and tied her brother! Look at that strike!

So after bowling, we went back home, chilled with a few games of Mario Tennis, and then headed out to dinner in Flushing at some restaurant whose name I forgot.
 * This was the fish who was right by our table. I named hims Mr. Bubbles. He's a lot more handsome in person than in this pic.
 * This was very had a combo of everything I love: bacon, chives, and an assortment of squid. It was like Angela's parents got into my head and discovered my likes/dislikes.
 * This is the dish I ordered. It was called "scallops in hot sauce with squid and pea snaps." Whatever, it tasted delicious.
 * This is a jumbo oyster with black bean tastes very similar to "Cantonese Black Bean baby back ribs"
 * My favorite vegetable in the whole wide world: "hollow vegetable" or...for the cultured out there, "kong xing cai!" It was very jumbo and garlic-y...mmmmm :D
 *Crab rice. It's the restaurant's signature dish...but I hafta say, I like the one in Texas better...weird huh?

On Sunday, Angela and I decided to venture over to East Village. It was my first time there, and I really enjoyed the area! It's got an urban feel to it; lotsa delicious restaurants, bars, karaoke places, and even a dessert place!
So, we decided to try a Thai place called:
The place had a very nice was dimly lit, to set a very romantic mood. :) I liked ensured that Angela would not get mad at me no matter how I acted.
 * That's my girlfriend.
 * Her appetizer: Chicken Wings in a Sweet Chili Sauce. It had scallions in it as well, so it was automatically delicious.
 * Angela's main dish: Spicy Basil Fried Rice. Those red dots that resemble a male organ are actually chili flakes! Good presentation :)
* My main dish: Holy Spicy Basil. It was not spicy :(. But it had a lot of garlic, onions, and peppers, so I was happy. Look at the rice: it's cute.

So after dinner, Angela and I went to:
Spot Dessert Bar 
 * This is a green tea lava cake...not my favorite, but still delicious. The cake had a warm liquid chocolate that oozed out, so that was a redeeming factor.
 * Angela's order: Green Tea Tiramisu Cake. This was by far the best dessert of the night.
 * My dessert: A thai tea creme brulee with thai tea! If you notice, the white thing in the shot glass is condensed milk. The tea already had evaporated milk in it, so I had to pour the condensed milk into the tea and mix it together. It was delicious.

Suffice to say, we were very fat and feeling full after our meal and dessert. But all in all, a very great and successful day.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Youtube is Awesome

It's Sunday, so what better way to spend it than surfing youtube? Well, I happened upon these gems; what I like about them is that in addition to being funny and well animated, they have good life lessons embedded into the videos. Take a gander:
* Crabs are awesome ;)
* Never mess with ants
* The only thing this teaches me is that it pays to be fat.

Youtube is great for wasting time and learning life lessons.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Lemon Garlic Chicken

Yep. That's right. Just as the title states, I'm cooking something new!....with my Foreman Grill. And as the title states, that lucky dish is Lemon Garlic Chicken. Why this? Well, I love garlic, I love lemon-y foods, and chicken is cheap. So without further ado, LEMON GARLIC CHICKEN!!!!

Ingredients: chicken cutlets (or breasts), the juice of 1 lemon, 2 cloves of minced garlic, 1/2 tsp. of fresh herbs (basil, thyme, parsley, oregano), and 1 tbsp. of olive oil!

1) First, mix the lemon juice, garlic, fresh herbs, and olive oil into a large bowl. Mix them up with deft wrists (which means make sure you keep them limp and loose) until the mixture becomes a smooth marinade.
2) Afterwards, place the chicken breasts in this mixture and let them sit for about 2 hours. As you can tell, this is the hardest part to the dish.
3) Once the 2 hours have elapsed, heat the Foreman grill to its highest setting. Then, place the chicken onto the grill for about 4-5 minutes. While the chicken is cooking, you should get a whiff of a delicious aroma of lemon, garlic, and herbs infiltrating your nostrils. If this isn't the case, you've messed up. Real bad.

4) You're done!

This tastes like pure sex in your mouth. No other explanation needed.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


So I really miss my 2 pugs, Pucky and P.J., so I did the most logical thing to deal with my sorrow: I went onto youtube and looked up videos of pugs...and I found these 2 gems: 
It's keyboard doggie! So cute. I'm gonna teach my dogs how to do this!
My doggies still do this! So frickin adorable!

Yes, I am a sucker for if you want me to do anything, just show me videos OR pictures of pugs, and you'll have me hooked!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Back in the States

The day has finally arrived! After 3 weeks in London, I'm back home in the United States of America. It's been a great 3 weeks, but it was time to travel back. It's such a great feeling to lie down in my own bed, take a shower in my own shower, and pee in my own bathroom :). But most importantly, being back home has given me the time to update my blog!

London Eye 
I went to the London Eye this past Wednesday, February 29, 2012. For those of you who are uncultured, the London Eye is a tall ferris wheel that allows its passengers to see all of London. To be honest, it's all hype; one of those things you HAVE to do while you're in London. It was actually very disappointing for me because 1) it was cloudy in London and 2) the London Eye wasn't as tall as it was described :(.

Several views from the London Eye: 

* I took this picture because that construction site looks like a penis :O

* this building looks like the handle of the lightsaber, and in 2001, it shot up a huge beam of light to resemble a lightsaber! cooolio

 * the car above us.
 * big ben and westminister abbey. did you know that big ben is the name of the bell inside the clock and not the clock tower itself???!!!
* another view!

So yesterday, Friday, March 2, 2012, we were treated to a huge goodbye dinner at a place called Imamo! It was a japanese fusion restaurant, and boy was it delicious! What made the place even better was that it utilized interactive tables: i.e. your table acts like a desktop, and you can order your food, watch the chefs cooking, play battleships, call a cab, order drinks, and even click on an icon that tells you what there is to do post dinner! What's even better was that we could change the layout of the table. Man, I wish they had a restaurant like that in the states. What was even better was that since this was on the company dollar, our goal was to order at least 1000 pounds of food, which we accomplished...our dinner was a grand total of 1400 pounds!

Pictures from Imamo:
 Look at that table: soooo beautiful and awesome!
 * holy fucking shit. look at the way this table is set up! you can "call the waiter!"
 * another function you can access. you can play a game of memory!
 * as well, you can preview the food, and it'll appear on your plate. This was a beef dish!
 * beef and mango salad

 * the restroom was awesome; it felt like i was in a futuristic space ship!

* my order!

Yep, it's been a great 3 weeks in London...from all the sights culminating in Imamo! Boy did I feel like a kid in a candy shop last night! Well, it's getting late, and I'm very jet lagged, so I'll ya'll adieu! Adieu!!!