Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My Super Complicated Shrimp Concoction

As the title states, today's blog will be focused on an extremely complicated shrimp recipe I made up...key word being "extremely." Be prepared to be amazed out of your pants...or dress...or skirt.

Left to right: Sriracha hot sauce and 2lbs of frozen shrimp.

* That's right, that is the famous "Sriracha" hot sauce found in every single Vietnamese restaurant. I've yet to find a Vietnamese restaurant that doesn't carry this hot sauce OR a person who hasn't fallen in love with this delicious red viscous liquid....mmmmm :)

1) You want to defrost the frozen place it in a skillet, turn the stove onto a high setting and watch some television for approximately 20 minutes. The shrimp will defrost but don't forget that you have the stove turned on; otherwise, you'll burn the kitchen (and house) down!!! I suggest watching television while sitting in near proximity of the stove...that way you can use your peripherals to keep a constant eye on the shrimp.

2) Once the shrimps have defrosted, squeeze the Sriracha hot sauce onto the shrimp....add as much as you'd like...obviously, those who can handle the heat will add more than those who can't...but the main idea is you want your shrimp to turn from a "pink" color to a "red" color...simple enough. 
 * shrimps in the process of turning color...notice how some are more red than others. Serious cooking going on here.

3) Now, you'll want to evenly stir the Sriracha around the shrimps. Once you've decided that all the Sriracha love has been evenly spread amongst the shrimps, cover up the skillet for about 20 minutes. This forms a nice sauce and allows the Sriracha to soak into the shrimp. That's f()$@n' smart!
* This makes me believe that I am truly a genius.

4) Oops...I forgot to take a picture here...but after those 20 minutes have elapsed...YOU'RE DONE. You'll know the dish is finished when all the shrimps are red, submerged in a red lava, and your nostrils are pentrated with a delicious smell.

Obviously, a very complicated takes only the most intelligent of people to execute the dish to perfection.....but all that "hard" work is worth it: the dish is delicious and lasts for 3 that's 3 days where you don't have to cook...and 3 days where you get to feast like a king!

Till the kitchen calls me again, peace out!

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