Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving in Dallas

Heeeeey everybody! So I'm in Texas right now, relaxing and enjoying all that the South has to offer me. Along with that, I've been reaping the benefits of enjoying my mother's home they say, there's nothing better than a home cooked meal!

I forget when, but earlier this week, my parents surprised me with WHOLE STEAMED LOBSTERS!!! mmmm, twas delicious! And unlike my normal self, I actually remembered to take pictures! Enjoy....

 * Whole live lobsters! They looked menacing!

 * Because they were menacing, it was time to end their other words, drown them in boiling water! talk about torture!
 * Diced scallions, seranno peppers, ginger, and garlic. You'll find out what this is for later...gotta keep you on your toes.

 * dead lobsters :). so lifeless and less menacing.
 *My daddy really likes to eat his lobster with "special sauce." Look closer, do you see anything familiar??? That's right, it's the garlic, peppers, ginger, and scallions from earlier! The sauce contains soy sauce and sesame oil, in addition to the herbs! 

 *gobble gobble! I thought this plate was cool. It's got a turkey in the center.

As well, to celebrate Thanksgiving, instead of the usual turkey, we decided to eat duck! Why? Because we're Chinese, and that's what Chinese people do.
 * whole duck on our special rotisserie machine :)
* duck after being put through the rotisserie! Delicious!

Wonderful food for a wonderful break! Stay tuned for my next post

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