Monday, February 4, 2013


Sorry for being M.I.A. for soo long. It's been a very hectic few weeks for me. Ugh, the struggles for a working man.

But fear not! For I have returned to my blogging ways! You can thank the Super Bowl for this one.

Maaan, the Super Bowl was super intense this year! Uuuugh, the Ravens barely beat the 49ers 34-31. Oh well, at least the 49ers will be good for years to come.

Angela's grandmother had eye surgery, so she was unavailable to cook. Luckily for me, Angela's mom was more than able to fill in for our injured superhero. Mrs. Lau was the Robin to Grandma Lau's Batman...the superboy to superman....the jelly to the peanut butter!

 * from left to right: veggies with garlic, DUCK with scallions, steamed tilapia, and curried chicken and potatoes. DEEELICIOUS!

Mrs. Lau doesn't give herself enough credit; she's a superstar in the kitchen.

Superbowl Sunday
Holy crap. Super Bowl Sunday was yesterday! Like every good American, the only meal to have for dinner on Super Bowl Sunday is....WINGS. Yay for me, there's a "Buffalo Wild Wings" establishment in Long Island. Boo for me, Buffalo Wild Wings would not take online orders. Instead, customers had to walk-in, order, and wait for about an hour to pick up their wings. I really wish there were times where people didn't have the same thoughts as me.

But hey, I got my wings...and here's the pic:
* that's a full bag of delicious goodness...50 wings, split into four flavors:
Sweet BBQ
Asian Zing
Spicy Garlic.

Spicy Garlic was clearly the best. It was garlic-y... the secret behind any great dish.

Sorry for the short "zing-er" of a post...but I promise I'll update shortly with a more substantial post.

Au Revoir!

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