Friday, October 21, 2011

Paaast Dinners

Hoooooowwwdddyyyy!!!! It's been a hectic week for me, so I haven't had time to cook everyday, and when I have cooked, I've forgotten to post them up! Aiyah!

Without further's what I've cooked this past week
This magnificent dish is called "niu rou mian!" Translation: beef noodle! It's really delicious...especially since I made it hehehe. It's the perfect blend of beefiness and spiciness. Plus, I added baby bak choy to give the dish some nutritional value. Niu rou mian is very popular in Taiwan...I believe....or so my daddy (who's Taiwanese) tells me. He's very smart....

The second dish is:
A medley of deliciousness.
To the left is Brown Rice with Mao Po Tofu! Yummy!
Center: A variation of my sexy-salmon-swimming-in-sake dish and Shake N' Bake's Dry Buffalo Styled Wings
Right: Stir-Fried Bean sprouts with leeks sprinkled within.

That was a scrumptious meal...and I left the table afterwards with a ginormous food baby. Getting pregnant of big deal!

Until the next time....keep it real

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