Wednesday, October 31, 2012


That's why I haven't been blogging...because of Hurricane Sandy. It's the largest Atlantic hurricane in diameter....ever...with winds spanning 1,100 miles. Craaazy. Good thing for me is that I live in the Upper West side...which means I didn't get hit too badly. However...

I can't say the same for Lower Manhattan and other areas of the city. This Hurricane Sandy brought a destructive storm surge to NYC. It flooded numerous streets, tunnels, and subway lines in Lower Manhattan, as well as cutting off electricity in many parts of the city and its suburbs. The funny thing is that it caused the most damage in New Jersey, especially in communities along the Jersey Shore. Early estimates are $20-25 billion dollars, which would rank Sandy among the top five most destructive hurricanes on record.

It'll take weeks to get the subways back in that'll be fun commuting place to place.

But as I said, I wasn't a victim of any of these effects...which makes me happy and sad. On the one hand, I'm safe, had power, and didn't have to go to work. On the other hand, I've never been in a hurricane, so I was looking forward to roughing it out with my fellow New Yorkers. Oh well, better to be safe than sorry.

I don't know what I'm gonna do with all this water I bought myself....

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Angela's BDAY

Whoa. This weekend was Angela's birthday!!! Surprisingly, this is the first time I've spent her birthday with her...not because I'm a horrible boyfriend, but because the time hasn't been right until yea, I made sure that the first birthday we spent together would be memorable. I took her all around Manhattan...and even bought her a leather jacket she'd been craving for a while haha.

On Saturday, I took her to a very nice restaurant, Bobo NYC. Yep, that's right. This fancy restaurant's named "Bobo." I wonder what genius thought up that name haha. Bobo NYC offers offer a contemporary take on seasonal French classics...which basically means deliciousness. So without further ado, here are the dishes we had. On a side note, I forgot to take a picture of the bread we had. It was delicious! The butter was light and fluffy!!! 

 * my dish: steamed bass w/ ratatouille and deliciousness!

That's a really bad description of the dish...but I really don't remember what else contributes to the dish. All I know is my mouth was in heaven with every bite I had of the bass! That fish was soo succulent, cooked perfectly. Even Angela loved it...and she's a seafood expert.

 * Angela's dish: NY Strip steak with scallion salad AND homemade fries.

OH MY GOD! Sooo delicious! For a french place, they cooked the steak perfectly....much like a legit steakhouse. The salad was...meh, but who cares? The fries were super delicious! Well it had the green stuff on it (parsley), so you know it's legit.

On Sunday, Angela and I went to Hunan Balcony for dinner. It was super delicious...and amazing. It's a mix of American and Traditional Chinese cuisine. Oh my goodness, deliciousness!!!

 * my dish: basil beef. very delicious...but what the heck? there were only 3 pieces of basil. when I see "Basil beef" on the menu, I expect 1092I409834 pieces of basil haha. But despite this, it was nevertheless delicious!

* beef noodle oldey but a goodey! Super delicious! I also think Angela's shirt accentuates the dish. YUMMY!

Yep, fun weekend, delicious food, what more could you ask for??? :)

Till next time...toodles

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Rosemary Chicken Thighs.

So I've been getting requests to blog about what I cook during the weekdays after work. Now I normally don't entertain the thought, because I'm always tired after work and don't feel like cooking elaborate meals. Instead, I just utilize my George Forman Grill and whip up something random. However, I decided to gift my loyal fans with an "inside look" at what goes on in the kitchen during the weekdays.

Today, I decided to utilize the remaining chicken thighs left over from my Lemon Chicken dish from Sunday and cook my patented "Rosemary Chicken Thighs." 


 From left to right: Olive oil, Chicken thighs, Salt, and Rosemary

1) First off, make sure that the chicken thighs are rinsed off and clean! Otherwise, you end up with a bunch of gunky bloody stuff that, frankly, is not enjoyable.  Once the naked chicken thighs are clean from their bath, drizzle some olive oil, salt, and rosemary to taste and knead the ingredients into the chicken thighs. Don't be afraid to get rough, the deeper you massage, the tastier the chicken thighs.
 * chicken thighs all happy to be "dressed up" with the ingredients

2) Now, let the chicken thighs sit in the "marinade" for 15 minutes. During this lull, pour yourself a nice glass of water (or other beverage) and turn on the Foreman Grill. Once the time has elapsed, place the chicken thighs in the Foreman Grill for about 10 minutes.
 * this was when I got really excited. Even though the chicken thighs had just been put on the grill for a second, the smell that exuded from the grill was already heavenly :)

3) Once those 10 minutes have elapsed, you'll want to check the chicken thighs to make sure that they're thoroughly cooked. Again, you don't want a bloody mess; that'll just make for a sad evening.
If the chicken thighs are thoroughly cooked after 10 minutes, YOU'RE DONE! HUZZAH! If the chicken thighs are still raw, no worries :). Take the chicken off the grill, place them on a plate, and microwave them for 2 minutes. The heat rays from the microwave will zap the rawness out of the chicken thighs! That's using your head! ;)

* The finished product. It ceases to amaze me how sexy the grill marks are.

So there you have it, a simple, delicious, and quick meal for a tired working man. Hope this post assuages ya'll's appetites. Till next time...

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Lemon Chicken Part Deaux

It's been a while since I last posted....I feel really bad. However, in these past few weeks that I've been absent, I've been methodically thinking about what to cook next. So here it is...

Lemon Chicken...Part Deaux!!!! 

From left to right: oregano, thyme, white cooking wine, chicken thighs, 2 lemons, and garlic!!!!

1) Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Easy enough.

2) Next, fill up 1/4 cup measurer with olive oil and pour the white cooking wine into a 1/3 cup measurer. Again, simple stuff.
* i like our cup measurers. they're very sleek and sexy.

3) Meanwhile, add the white wine, 1 tablespoon of grated lemon zest, 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice ;), 1.5 teaspoons dried oregano, 1 teaspoon minced fresh thyme leaves, and salt to a mixing bowl.

4) Warm the olive oil in a small sauce pan over a medium heat. Then add the garlic and stir the garlic around for about a minute. MAKE SURE YOU DON'T LET THE GARLIC TURN BROWN...because we like our garlic white, not brown.

*I forgot to take a picture of this step. Oops.

5) Once the time has elapsed, turn off the heat. Then, add this super sexy (and fragrant!) concoction into the sauce pan and stir it around to evenly disperse all that delicious goodness.

* that looks so good! and I like my red spatula!

6) Now, pour this sauce into a baking dish.
* the garlic look like tiny tadpoles swimming in a polluted pond.

7) Now, rinse the chicken thighs and pat them dry. Then, place the thighs skin side up onto the sauce. Using your underrated feminine dexterity, lightly brush the chicken thighs with olive oil. Then, LIBERALLY ADD SALT AND PEPPER TO EACH THIGH!!! (this is my favorite part)
8) Cut the non-grated and juiced lemon into 8 wedge pieces. Tuck these wedges between the chicken thighs. Sexy.
* those are not my hands, in case you were wondering. My hands are manlier.

9) Now comes the hardest part. Bake the chicken for about 30-40 minutes, depending on the size of the chicken, until the chicken skin is lightly browned.
* chicken in the ovens. yummy. the lighting makes the chicken look seductive.

10) DUNZO! The chicken is finished, the kitchen smells deliciously garlicy and lemony, and your appetite is well worked up!

* the finished product....with rice.

This is a succulent dish. Very lemony...very garlicy....and oh so juicy. I'm very happy I decided to cook this tonight. My stomach is in a super happy place right now.

Stay tuned for more exciting posts to come....