Thursday, October 11, 2012

Rosemary Chicken Thighs.

So I've been getting requests to blog about what I cook during the weekdays after work. Now I normally don't entertain the thought, because I'm always tired after work and don't feel like cooking elaborate meals. Instead, I just utilize my George Forman Grill and whip up something random. However, I decided to gift my loyal fans with an "inside look" at what goes on in the kitchen during the weekdays.

Today, I decided to utilize the remaining chicken thighs left over from my Lemon Chicken dish from Sunday and cook my patented "Rosemary Chicken Thighs." 


 From left to right: Olive oil, Chicken thighs, Salt, and Rosemary

1) First off, make sure that the chicken thighs are rinsed off and clean! Otherwise, you end up with a bunch of gunky bloody stuff that, frankly, is not enjoyable.  Once the naked chicken thighs are clean from their bath, drizzle some olive oil, salt, and rosemary to taste and knead the ingredients into the chicken thighs. Don't be afraid to get rough, the deeper you massage, the tastier the chicken thighs.
 * chicken thighs all happy to be "dressed up" with the ingredients

2) Now, let the chicken thighs sit in the "marinade" for 15 minutes. During this lull, pour yourself a nice glass of water (or other beverage) and turn on the Foreman Grill. Once the time has elapsed, place the chicken thighs in the Foreman Grill for about 10 minutes.
 * this was when I got really excited. Even though the chicken thighs had just been put on the grill for a second, the smell that exuded from the grill was already heavenly :)

3) Once those 10 minutes have elapsed, you'll want to check the chicken thighs to make sure that they're thoroughly cooked. Again, you don't want a bloody mess; that'll just make for a sad evening.
If the chicken thighs are thoroughly cooked after 10 minutes, YOU'RE DONE! HUZZAH! If the chicken thighs are still raw, no worries :). Take the chicken off the grill, place them on a plate, and microwave them for 2 minutes. The heat rays from the microwave will zap the rawness out of the chicken thighs! That's using your head! ;)

* The finished product. It ceases to amaze me how sexy the grill marks are.

So there you have it, a simple, delicious, and quick meal for a tired working man. Hope this post assuages ya'll's appetites. Till next time...

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