Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Chelsea Piers w/ el Madre

I've made a post earlier about going to Chelsea Piers. This one is different in that my post to Chelsea Piers revolves around my trip with my mom...not with Angela, my girlfriend.

My mother is an avid golfer; a affinity she's developed in the past 3-4 years. Since I live in golf, finding a decent golf course in the city is about as easy as finding a needle in a haystack. Suffice to say, it's damn near impossible to golf in Manhattan. Yet, being the great son that I am, I remembered that Chelsea Piers was home to a driving range...while it's not a golf course, it's a venue where playing golf can actually become a reality. Chelsea Piers has a driving range that gets crowded pretty quickly, much like a can of sardines, so if you don't want to be a sardine cramped up in a little aluminum container, you better arrive early. And that is exactly what my mother and I did. We arrived to Chelsea Piers at 12:30 pm. Mind you, that's not a normal early hour, but for a Saturday, that equates to 7 am on a weekday. Did I golf well? Mi madre said that I'm a natural...which in my head sounded more like this: "you are a prodigy evan. Anything I can do, you can do better"
 * my mom is golfing. look at that pro swing!

 * mom again...she's a good golfer now. she now consistently makes contact w/ the ball.
 * the final pose...looking good

* this is me...look at how awesome my swing looks.

 * Us outside of Chelsea Piers. Look at how pretty the Hudson river looks. Like a scene from Titanic
 * This picture was from my mom; she loves taking picture, and decided she wanted to take a picture of the entry into Chelsea Piers.
 * Pier 59! The Golf Club!

So after we were done golfing, I took my mom to check out the Hudson River Park. It's a nice park that has a huge field where people can throw the football, take a nap, or even get a nice tan. Here are some pics from that excursion:

 * I'm standing behind flowers. The flowers match well with my pink shorts!

 * The welcome sign!

 * On our walk, we spotted a couple holding hands with each other. The couple turned out to be both men...and I wanted to take a photo to capture the gay pride. Don't hide your love...let it free like a bird!

* As well, there was a very nice view of the Hudson River being framed in by the foliage and trees that I thought would make a very nice picture. Alas, the picture was ruined by two girls tanning.... Way to ruin the picture girls! :(

All in all, this was a very fun trip. I'm glad I got in touch with my golfing roots and was still able to tap into my limitless potential and golf extremely well. My mother had so much fun as well...and really enjoyed the exercise she got my walking around the beautiful Hudson River Park. 

Yay for well planned trips!!!! :)

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