Friday, August 30, 2013

Club 21!

Hello world. Another update from my mother's trip to visit me. So in my last update, I blogged about our day trip to Chelsea Piers, golfing in the crowded city that is New York, and realizing that yes, I am a natural at golf. Well, in the evening, my mother and I had a reservation at an uber swanky restaurant, Club 21. What defines a swanky restaurant?

According to the Evan Lee dictionary, a swanky restaurant (n) is defined as an eating establishment that forces its male patrons to wear a sports jacket. Failure to do so results in being banned from the premises.

Club 21 definitely meets that definition. Yet, why do people still eat at these types of restaurants that impart such a strict dress code? I'll tell you why: it's because the food they serve is absolutely delicious. Ridiculously scrumptious. No words in the english language will ever do their product justice, as the next few pictures will prove.

1) To add to the definition of a swanky restaurant, the lighting must also be very dim. In fact, the candle may be the only source of light available....and even with the aid of a candle, you still can barely read the menu.

* Can you read those words? Didn't think so

2) This was my appetizer: tuna tar tar with a very nice sesame glaze that sits on top of a bed of fancy lettuce. There's also fancy chips with the dish. It was very delicious. My mom looked disgusted as a slurped the tar tar from the bowl :)

3) That is foie grois. My mom ordered duck liver. Eww! I can't believe my mom likes that stuff.
* From this angle, the foie grois looks like tofu.

4) What I had as a main course was a man's meal: I had pork chops with creamy corn and roasted vegetables. You can't see the vegetables because the pork chops are covering the veggies, but I swear, they are present on the plate. The pork chops were well seasoned, juicy, moist, and overall, had a very nice finish to them.
* Manly meat!

5) The next two pictures are our desserts. My mother had profiteroles (for the first time), and I had a lemon pudding cake. My mom's profiteroles were clearly the better of the two. Not to say that my cake was horrible, it just attests to how delicious my mom's profiteroles were. Plus, she never eats sweets, and even she finished the dessert. That just speaks volumes to how amazing that dessert was.
* The profiteroles. They contained vanilla ice cream...and were drizzled with chocolate sauce. Oh my god it was like I was entering heaven after my mom let me try a piece.
* My lemony pudding cake. It was delicious and lemony, the two most important things I was looking for. Alas, this dessert was much smaller than my moms' dessert.

All in all, this was a very great restaurant. I will be taking people who treat me nicely to Club 21 in the future, so please guys, treat me with respect, class, and dignity.

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