Monday, July 18, 2011

Sexy Salmon swimmin in Sake + Steamed Eggs + Microwaved Steamed Brown Rice

This is the first day of my blog...I'm super excited...Yea, I've decided to be productive with my spare time and learn how to cook. This is more to help me remember all the recipes I've picked up, but I thought I'd share it with whomever is in the same boat as me and needs to learn to cook.

Anyways, as the title says, I learned 3 dishes today.

First up: Steamed Eggs
Why steamed eggs? Because they taste pretty ridonkulous (delicious). In addiiton, steamed eggs are a good source of Riboflavin, Vitamin B12 and Phosphorus, and a very good source of Protein and Selenium. Unfortunately, it's high in saturated fat, and high in cholestrol. So...if you're fat, don't make this. It'll just clog your arteries. I don't want that on my conscience.

Ingredients: eggs, chopped scallions, soy sauce, sesame oil, microwave

1) Grab a pint sized casserole container.
2) Usually, this recipe calls for 2 eggs. But because I'm such a daredevil, I use 3. Yep, 3. Crack the  eggs into the container and whisk them until the yolk becomes a homogenous yellow. Then, take some chicken soup (either store bought or homemade) and add some until the level of the egg mixture reaches a little under the halfway point of the container. Afterwards, add water until this mixture reaches a little above the the halfway point of the container. Whisk so the contents are distributed evenly throughout the eggs.

* I find eggs to be a bitch to crack due to my incredible strength and lack of dexterous wrists.

3) Once the eggs are whisked, add the chopped scallions to the eggs and whisk them some more until they look like the following:
4) If your eggs don't look like that, then I'm sorry; you have no hope of becoming a master chef. Once they reach the desired state, cover it with a lid and place it in the microwave for 1:30 on the high level.

*I use a microwave because microwaves expedite the cooking process, and I honestly don't like waiting 30 plus minutes for my food to finish cooking.
 5) Afterwards, take the eggs out of the microwave, remove the lid, and whisk the eggs again. The point of doing so is that after being in the microwave, the eggs solidify unevenly. Whisking the eggs allows the texture of the eggs to remain uniform.

6) Place the eggs back in the microwave for 2:00 on high this time.

7) Afterwards, drizzle soy sauce AND sesame oil on the eggs. I love sesame oil, so it's more of a drowning vs. a drizzling when it comes to adding the sesame oil.

8) Let it sit for about as long as it takes for you to take a dump, feed the dogs, cut your nails, whatever. You get the idea.

9) Grab a spoon and engulf this deliciousness.

Now...Microwaved Steamed Brown Rice 

This is a very hard recipe to follow, so for those who have not taken a cooking class or are not avid watchers of the Food Network, do not continue reading.

JUST KIDDING! Boy am I funny.

This dish is so simple to make, even a blind person could execute it perfectly.

1) Go to the local supermarket and buy Bird's Eye Steamfresh Whole Grain Brown Rice. It is extremely delicious, healthy, AND endorsed by the supermarket attendant who was so helpful to me.

2) Place the package in the microwave, read the back, and follow the instructions.

3) After the package is done microwaving, remove it from the microwave. Then, open the package and dump the contents onto a plate. Grab a spoon and go to town on those brown pieces of scrumptiousness.

Finally: Sexy Salmon drowning in Sake 

*Disclaimer: I do not endorse infusing food with alochol to get drunk. Instead, I use alcohol to promote the flavor and taste of my the tv personalities on the food network.

Ingredients: sake, mirin, fish, airtight ziplock bag

This dish needs to be prepared two days in advance. Normally the recipe calls for up to 6 servings, but I'm only cooking for myself, so  I'm using my own makeshift recipe...because I'm an innovator.

 1) Place the fish in an airtight ziplock bag and defrost for half a day. (If it's freshly bought on the day you want to marinate then there's no need to wait a full day)

2) Add 1/4 cup of sake and 1/4 cup of mirin into the ziplock bag.
 The left bottle contains sake, and the right bottle contains mirin.

4) Squeeze out all the air in the bag, so the only contents remaining are just the fish and liquids. (No air!!!) Place the bag on a plate, container, or anything that can be used in case of leakage. Place the bag in the fridge overnight!
A fancy "dish" for a fancy dish! Hahaha I'm on fire with these awesomely bad jokes.

In two days, I will finish my entry on the sexy salmon dish. Until then...writing my first blog wasn't so tedious as I thought it would be.

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