Saturday, July 23, 2011

Taking a break...

So, I've been cooking for 4 days straight this week, so I figured I need a break. I apologize to everybody who was hoping to see what magnificence I would have created today had I cooked...

But fear not! I went to a really really really FANCY UPSCALE....way out of my league restaurant for dinner tonight...I kinda felt outta place. I must say, however, I took advantage of the happy hour AND menu. To make matters even better, I took pictures of my dinner course!


Delicious raspberry sitting on top of a frozen orange. This was our amuse bouche. For those who don't know what it is, it's basically a single-bite hors d'oeuvre. The purpose of it is to cleanse the palate before you main course arrives. I guess you could just cleanse your palate by just sipping water....but having an amuse bouche is just that much more high class. and fun...   


This was my friend's parent's dish. It was a seafood pasta on top of a saffron broth. It looked delicious, but apparently tasted like horse sh#(t. Poor choice in food, Mr. H. 


This was my dish: Rack of lamb with a pesto sauce, grilled asparagus, and rissoto cakes. Oh my god. I can die a happy man now. Why? Because besides the perfectly executed lamb, the dish was adorned with PESTO!!! Finally, somebody recognizes the sophistication of infusing pesto into everyday dishes. Plus, the rissoto cakes were delicious. Seriously, I was on cloud 9 after that meal.

4) I forgot to take a picture of my dessert...sorry. It was a trio of chocolate dishes: a chocolate cake, chocolate creme'brulee, and a chocolate mousse. SO DECADENT. SO DELICIOUS. Chocolate is such a sexy dessert...
My friend ordered a key lime tart. Also delicious. It was basically a key lime pie with homemade whipped cream. Yummm. Or as people like to say: "nom nom nom." Don't know why they use "nom," but whatever. Works for me

5) The views from the restaurant:

I wish we stayed longer till it was completely dark, so I could've taken a picture of the beautiful Dallas skyline. But this'll hafta suffice. Still, my ghetto Iphone camera can not do the view justice. It's sooo beautiful. Note to anybody trying to woo a girl: bring her to a restaurant with a sultry view. It'll charm the socks...and pants off of her ;).

So...I'm stuffed...bloated...and I need to relieve myself. I will catch ya'll later.

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