Thursday, September 29, 2011

Retro post!

Howdy folks. So today, I was gonna cook myself some seafood...but then I realized that I had these spare ribs sitting in the freezer for the past month. Gotta use it up before it spoils! Therefore, today's post is an oldie...but a goodie! What's for dinner today?

Microwave Cantonese-Style Steamed Black Bean Baby Back Ribs...with steamed eggs and snow peas 

If you don't remember how to cook any of these dishes, refer to my former posts. It's really not that hard. 

 * I don't know if you can tell, but the ribs that I used were ginormous....a lot bigger than what I'm normally used to handling :D. But nevertheless, it was delicious, juicy, and very easy to handle despite its size! 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hodge Podge of Food

I was very very very hungry for dinner, I made myself a feast...or what I like to call a feast. Basically, I just cooked myself lotsa food. But enough talking; on to the good stuff!

The top is Whole Foods' Premarinated Wings
The bottom is Whole Foods' "Salmon Dinner for Two"

 *the salmon is marinated with Paprika, White Pepper, Black Pepper, Red Pepper, Oregano, Thyme, Fennel, Sea Salt, Onion, and of course, GARLIC!!!

This dish is very easy to make
1) Turn the stove on to its high setting

2) Grab a grill pan and drizzle some olive oil into the pan. Remember, I use extra virgin olive oil...for obvious reasons.

3) Place the salmon into the pan
4) Heat each side of the salmon for 2 minutes. NO MORE....otherwise, you'll burn the fish, and it'll taste like an ash tray. No joke.

5) Dunzo! Delicousness ensues!

Chicken Wings 
1) Place the wings inside an aluminum container

 *pretty simple. If you can't get this correct, you are mentally retarded. Not trying to be mean; it's just a fact. A harsh fact albeit.

2) Heat the oven to 325 degrees F.

3) Place the wings in the oven for 25-30 minutes, depending on how crispy you want the wings to be. Cover the wings with aluminum foil. This prevents the wings from drying up inside the oven and ensuring that they stay moist...because moisture is the essence of wetness, and wetness is the essence of beauty :D
 5) Once the time has elapsed, remove the wings from the oven. Your wings are now completely cooked! Yippeeee!!!!

So...because I could, I also made myself some salad:

It contains Wishbone's Italian dressing, baked beans, and diced onions. I used baked beans because beans add nutritional value to my it makes my farts extra special. As for the onions, I just love onions.

I actually added the salmon on top of the salad, and it was probably the most innovative task I accomplished today. I also did that to save room and prevent myself from washing an extra dish!

Till tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tuna + Steak = Tuna Steak

Finally! Something new to blog about! So, I was craving steak today, like always...but I also had an extreme hankering for seafood. Now, normally, I would cook up a juicy piece of steak and whip up some sort of seafood dish. the spirit of being efficient and saving time, I thought to myself, "What type of food product fuses both seafood and steak together?" And not long after I posed this question to myself, the answer just came crashing into my head. TUNA STEAAAAK!!!! So without further ado, here's my recipe for my Tuna Steak!!!

Ingredients: Tuna Steak, Balsamic Vinegar, Salt, Pepper, and Olive Oil

* I bought these tuna steaks on sale from Tom Thumbs (it's a local grocery store)

1) First off, add little bit of balsamic vinegar to your steaks. Afterwards, add salt and pepper to taste, then DRIZZLE your tuna steaks with olive oil. Your finished product better look like this:
* yea, that black thing is the top part of my tongs. I use them to execute my legendary tuna steak flip maneuver.

2) Grab a grill pan, and heat it on the stove to a real high setting. (High = mucho caliente = hooooot for all you uncultured people) The weather has actually cooled down, so I actually decided to cook indoors today. Besides, I've had way too much barbeque lately. 

3) Heat the tuna steaks for 2 minutes on each side to ensure that professional grill mark effect!
4) Upon completing steps 1-3, you're finished!

That's my dinner for tonight!!! I've got brown rice, mixed vegetables, the fish, and of course, the pre-marinated ribs that can be purchased from any local grocery store. And yes, I know what ya'll are thinking. I eat a lot.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Yep. Be jealous! That's my dinner. So, we've got some delicious microwavable seafood garlic linguini, my delicious corn on the cob, and a hot dog. What's with the combination? Well, I actually love eating hot dogs [ ;) ] and haven't had one in a while. The seafood garlic linguini was made out of my excruciating hunger. I was super duper hungry today, so I wanted something that would take a short amount of time to cook....ala microwavable seafood garlic linguini. And why corn? Because ya'll should know by now...I love my corn on the cob. It's a drug. A very delicious, healthy drug....with beneficial side effects!

Catch ya'll tomorrow!!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011


So, today's dinner consisted of buffalo wings, corn, and fiiiish! Nothing new here, just the same old stuff I've been eating this past week. Unfortunately, this means no new blog this week. However, fear not! For instead of posting up pics of dinner recipes, I'll be posting up something entirely different.

This is our awesome handy dandy new coffee maker. It's lean, sexy, and works wonders. With this product, you can make coffee, cocoa, iced tea...anything. It utilizes this new technology called the K-cup! So instead of having to purchase your coffee beans, grind them up, and brew them, you just stick these K-cups into a dispenser located within this coffee maker, and a delicious beverage of your choice spews water from a whale's blowhole. 

Ever since I've had this fantastic gizmo, I've been drinking coffe like there's no tomorrow...and unfortunately, that results in me bouncing off the walls.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pictures Galore!!!

Yep, so I've been looking back at my past blogs, and I've realized something: My recent posts have been lacking in pictures. That's not right! Therefore, today's blog will feature pictures...and lots of them!

Mapo Tofu!!!  
This is my take on a classic Chinese you know it'll be good.

House Food's "Chinese Mabo Tofu Sauce," ground turkey, Mori-Nobu Tofu

*I used ground turkey today because that's what I found in the fridge. And it's healthy-ish. Ground beef will also suffice.

1) Chop the tofu delicately into little squares. The whole dish depends on how well the tofu are chopped, so make sure you're a pro with the knife before attempting this step.
* The tofu is also very wet ;), so you need to dry it. My method is to place the tofu directly on top of a paper towel, which sits on top of a newspaper. This just conserves paper towels...and you really don't want the tofu coming into contact with the newspaper!

2) So, after drying the tofu, heat the ground turkey in a wok over medium heat. Simple enough.

3) Add your "Chinese Mabo Tofu" Sauce when the meat is almost done cooking. Stir the contents around so all the meat will soak in the nice sauces. 

*Mabo is a funny word. That is all 

4) This is the hardest step of them all. Now, it's time to add your delicately-pro-chopped-tofu to the work and stir around. Follow the directions as stated on the "Chinese Mabo Tofu" Sauce box.  

5) When everything's just about done cooking, add as much Chinese hot sauce as you like, as well as a big dash of sesame oil...because who doesn't love sesame oil? I could get drunk off sesame oil.
6) Finally, if you are a scallion / garlic lover like your favorite chef (me), you would sprinkle handfuls of chopped green onions over the beautiful MPTF concoction you just created.
很好吃!(Very good taste = tastes very good)

That is a such a beautiful dish.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Howdy folks. Sorry it's been a while. I got lazy this past week and decided to just order takeout for dinner. Fear not, for non-lazy Evan has grace ya'll with my awesome, innovative, and lazy-inspired recipes. Today's main dish consists of a childhood favorite of mine: WINGS!!!! And yes, we'll be winning....with wings.


Frozen Drumsticks (bought from Krogers), Shake n' Bake "Dry Buffalo Style"

* The watermelon has no business being in the shot. It is not part of the ingredients list.

1) I used drumsticks because Kroger sells these mammoth monster drumsticks that are juicy and worth the $5 I paid for them. Really, any sort of chicken product will do for this dish.

2) Open up the Shake n' Bake packet. Follow the directions. This includes placing each individual drumstick in a bag filled with the Shake n' Bake seasonings...and then shaking the hell out of the drumstick filled bag. Once you're done shaking, place them on a baking sheet.

3) Simultaneously preheat the oven to the desired temperature as stated on the directions of the box

4) Stick your seasonings-covered drumsticks in the oven.

5) Let the ovens sit for the allotted stated on the box. 

6) DOOOOONNNNEEEE!!!!!!! yippee!!!

Finished product/ the rest of my dinner:
Salad, delicious garlic and olive oil potato wedges, and WIIINNNGGGSSS!!!! As you can tell, I was very hungry...and it smelled very scrumptious, so I ate one wing before I realized I needed to take a picture. Whoops!

* Note, this is a very simple recipe to follow, in that the only skill you really need to have is being able to read and comprehend what is being written on the box. If you do not have these skills, please do not attempt to make this dish. You will embarrass yourself greatly, and I don't want that on my conscience. Thanks!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

EvtheChef takes on Korea

So I went to an H-Mart this weekend and bought myself a whole bunch of crap. I got lettuce, chives, corn, tofu....blah blah blah...but most importantly, I bought myself frozen pork ribs. Yes, that's right. Today's post will be about my take on Korea's famous GALBI dish!!!

(Kalbi Sauce and Pork Ribs (in bag with Kalbi Sauce marinade)

1) Before you can start cooking, make sure to defrost your pork ribs. There's no way in hell you wanna eat frozen pork ribs...unless you wanna lose your teeth. Talk about unattractive.

2) Place the pork ribs in a ziplock plastic bag and pour the Kalbi Sauce into the bag. Massage the meat around [ hehe ;)]

3) Let the meat sit in the fridge for about 3 hours.

4) Heat the grill onto a high setting.

5) Now, turn down the grill to about 350 degrees F (medium setting) and place your ribs on the grill.

6) Using indirect heat, let each side grill for about 10 minutes. If you wanna achieve that sexy-pro "grill mark" look, then keep the grill on the high setting for about 6 minutes on each side.

7)  That's it. You're done. Just to warn ya'll, the smell of the ribs cooking is brutal in that it smells sooo delicious and stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system. Talk about a tease!!!

* that's my dinner: Ribs, Salad, and my Grilled Corn. I actually also made my own consists of saute'd string beans, diced onions, and romaine lettuce drizzled expertly (if I do say so myself) with Wishbone's Italian Dressing.

PRODUCT PLACEMENT. I really hope Wishbone Corp. ships me a bottle of there Italian Dressing for free....