Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Howdy folks. Sorry it's been a while. I got lazy this past week and decided to just order takeout for dinner. Fear not, for non-lazy Evan has grace ya'll with my awesome, innovative, and lazy-inspired recipes. Today's main dish consists of a childhood favorite of mine: WINGS!!!! And yes, we'll be winning....with wings.


Frozen Drumsticks (bought from Krogers), Shake n' Bake "Dry Buffalo Style"

* The watermelon has no business being in the shot. It is not part of the ingredients list.

1) I used drumsticks because Kroger sells these mammoth monster drumsticks that are juicy and worth the $5 I paid for them. Really, any sort of chicken product will do for this dish.

2) Open up the Shake n' Bake packet. Follow the directions. This includes placing each individual drumstick in a bag filled with the Shake n' Bake seasonings...and then shaking the hell out of the drumstick filled bag. Once you're done shaking, place them on a baking sheet.

3) Simultaneously preheat the oven to the desired temperature as stated on the directions of the box

4) Stick your seasonings-covered drumsticks in the oven.

5) Let the ovens sit for the allotted stated on the box. 

6) DOOOOONNNNEEEE!!!!!!! yippee!!!

Finished product/ the rest of my dinner:
Salad, delicious garlic and olive oil potato wedges, and WIIINNNGGGSSS!!!! As you can tell, I was very hungry...and it smelled very scrumptious, so I ate one wing before I realized I needed to take a picture. Whoops!

* Note, this is a very simple recipe to follow, in that the only skill you really need to have is being able to read and comprehend what is being written on the box. If you do not have these skills, please do not attempt to make this dish. You will embarrass yourself greatly, and I don't want that on my conscience. Thanks!

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