Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tuna + Steak = Tuna Steak

Finally! Something new to blog about! So, I was craving steak today, like always...but I also had an extreme hankering for seafood. Now, normally, I would cook up a juicy piece of steak and whip up some sort of seafood dish. the spirit of being efficient and saving time, I thought to myself, "What type of food product fuses both seafood and steak together?" And not long after I posed this question to myself, the answer just came crashing into my head. TUNA STEAAAAK!!!! So without further ado, here's my recipe for my Tuna Steak!!!

Ingredients: Tuna Steak, Balsamic Vinegar, Salt, Pepper, and Olive Oil

* I bought these tuna steaks on sale from Tom Thumbs (it's a local grocery store)

1) First off, add little bit of balsamic vinegar to your steaks. Afterwards, add salt and pepper to taste, then DRIZZLE your tuna steaks with olive oil. Your finished product better look like this:
* yea, that black thing is the top part of my tongs. I use them to execute my legendary tuna steak flip maneuver.

2) Grab a grill pan, and heat it on the stove to a real high setting. (High = mucho caliente = hooooot for all you uncultured people) The weather has actually cooled down, so I actually decided to cook indoors today. Besides, I've had way too much barbeque lately. 

3) Heat the tuna steaks for 2 minutes on each side to ensure that professional grill mark effect!
4) Upon completing steps 1-3, you're finished!

That's my dinner for tonight!!! I've got brown rice, mixed vegetables, the fish, and of course, the pre-marinated ribs that can be purchased from any local grocery store. And yes, I know what ya'll are thinking. I eat a lot.

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