Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ribs, Bratwurst, and Corn...

So I've just realized that I absolutely love Krogers. Why? Because once again, I'm using their premade products to cook myself a delicious dinner. Today's guinea pig is their "Pre-marinated St. Louis Style Ribs."Also on the menu is Bratwurst and, of course, Corn. Bratwurst because I wanna be cultured...corn because I just love my corn. :)


1) Go to your nearest grocery store and purchase any "pre-marinated any-style" ribs.

2) Remove the ribs from its packaging and....

3) Wrap the rack of ribs in aluminum foil. This takes a lot of concentration and focus.

4) Meanwhile, warm the grill up to 350 degrees F (medium setting).

5) Once the grill is set, place the aluminum-covered-ribs in the grill for 20 minutes. Grab a beer because that's all the hard work you hafta do!

* looks like a gigantic silver cucumber....kinda funny. addition to Ribs, I also decided to be German and cook me some...
Ingredients: "Johnsonville Brats," Guiness Dark Beer

1) Heat 3 bottles of Guiness Beer until it boils. The beer is used to add flavor to the Bratwursts...and make them authentic. How do I know this ensures authenticity? Because Germans love beer, and the more beer you add, the more authentic your dish becomes.

2) After the water has boiled, put the Bratwurst in the pot and wait for it to boil again.

3) Turn off the heat and leave the Bratwursts sitting in the beer for half an hour. 

4) Then, take them out to the grill for 10 minutes on a medium setting (350 degrees F)

I'm so talented.

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